Great Adirondack Trail Run

Saturday June 14, 2025
Registration opens Thursday May 1 @ 8:00 am!
Call the shop to register (518) 576-2281
Please be prepared with payment at the time of registration
11.5 mile Great Adirondack Trail Run $75
3.5 mile Baxter Mountain Traverse $40
All proceeds to benefit Ausable Freshwater Center

The 11.5 mile Great Adirondack Trail Run (2900′ of vertical gain and 3100′ of loss) up the back side of Hopkins Mtn & down to Keene Valley. Registration is severely limited.
The 3.5 mile traverses over the shoulder of Baxter Mtn. to Keene Valley. All trail runners, hikers & walkers - young and old - are welcome to enjoy this event!!
A shuttle will be available from the parking/finish area at The Mountaineer to the trailhead for both runs.
Come for the run, stay for the festivities - great music, food, drinks & more!
The Great Adirondack Trail Run (GATR) charity event supports the Ausable Freshwater Center (previously Ausable River Association)and provides an educational opportunity for children and adults to learn more about our sensitive river ecosystems.
Rules & Regulations
The Mountaineer is grateful to the state of New York and to private land owners for allowing us to host this event. Our small hamlet is surrounded by state land and this charity run would not be possible without venturing onto such land, which encompasses 70% of the town of Keene. GATR gives visitors and locals alike a chance to enjoy the mountains, get some exercise and celebrate the spring and black fly season!
This is a wilderness trail run - no support will be given. Participants are on their own from start to finish; prepared with own water, food and any other supplies. Volunteers stationed on the course are there to make sure runners take the right trail–they will not have water, food, moleskin, etc. We are privileged to be allowed to hold the race on such a wonderful course, and need to respect this wilderness area. Anyone caught littering will be immediately disqualified; if you drop an energy packet by accident, pick it up. Our permission to hold this run rests on the behavior of the runners. Please plan ahead, prepare, & leave no trace.
Race Results: