Snowshoe Routes Adirondacks & Catskills
Bill Ingersoll65 snowshoe routes throughout the Adirondacks and Catskills, many with winter camping opportunities
* Many snowshoe trails within driving distance of New York City, Albany, Utica, Syracuse, or Saratoga Springs
* Handy quick reference chart lists snowshoe routes by distance, duration, difficulty, and features
Located just a few hours' drive from New York City, the Adirondacks and the Catskills are prime winter destinations for both visitors and locals. In Snowshoe Routes: Adirondacks & Catskills, Bill Ingersoll captures the unique and varied landscapes of the area with 65 different routes. It's perfect for snowshoers who are looking for easy, family-friendly rambles, or those seeking a challenge on steep terrain. This guide offers outings to hidden lakes, scenic views, mountain tops, and remote wilderness.
Helpful extras include the history and geography of the Adirondacks and the Catskills, information on proper attire and equipment (including tips on choosing the best snowshoes), safety tips for crossing frozen bodies of water, and the basics of winter camping.